Starrett 82CZ 55793


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SKU: WG_48473345_TEK Category: Tag:

Starrett 82 Dial bore gages are available in convenient sets or with individual probes and dial indicators. Each set consists of a dial indicator, a body and actuating rod, two adjusting wrenches and the probes as specified below. The head may be ordered separately (includes dial indicator, body, and two adjusting wrenches). Individual probes can also be ordered as listed. All probes are furnished with an actuating rod. These gages are also available with electronic indicators by special order. Measurements are taken by comparison so some type of set master should be used as a reference standard. We recommend setting as close to the hole being measured as possible, and this can be easily done with gage blocks or with a micrometer Complete Set, .560-1.565 Range .0001 Grad with Case with a micrometer.

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Starrett 82CZ 55793